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Fall 2024 Catalogue

Our latest publications for general interest, art, and academic audiences.

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A series of in-depth conversations for the intellectually curious, featuring authors and experts on a range of topics including politics, history, science, art, and more.

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The A&AePortal

Discover important art and architectural history scholarship from some of the world’s finest publishers and museums. Search, read, cite, note, and more.

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From the Blog

The Archive’s Main Entrance

Alan Mikhail— Between the street and the building was a large black wrought-iron fence. On the inside of this one of Egypt’s millions of border markers, two paths led into…

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Sea Power: Then and Now

Evan Mawdsley— Sea power is back in the news. In April 2022, the cruiser Moskva was sunk by Ukrainian anti-ship missiles. Since last November, American and British warships have actively…

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Series Highlight

Yale Agrarian Studies Series

The Yale Agrarian Studies Series features important stories, unflinching investigations, and moving explorations of land related topics including political circumstances, people-place relationships, conservation, and natural history.

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